-Estimated fee for drawing up rules of employment
  and other office regulations.

  1. 就業規則・賃金規定の作成              : 324,000円~
     -Drawing up new rules of employment and payroll regulations:
                  JPY324,000 and up

  2. 就業規則等の改訂                  : 108,000円~
     -Update existing rules of employment:
                  JPY108,000 and up

  3. 就業規則のコンプライアンスチェック         : 108,000円~
     -Compliance check of existing rules of employment :
                  JPY108,000 and up

  4. 就業規則の翻訳(和文英訳、A4-1枚800字程度):21,600円/頁~
     -Translation of Japanese rules of employment into English
      (800 letters/page):  JPY21,600/page and up

  5. その他相談業務(1時間当たり)            : 12,960円/時
     -General consultation: JPY12,960/hour
お問い合わせ、ご相談は - Please contact us for more information

山本社会保険労務士&FP事務所- Yamamoto HR Office
TEL:03-6868-0400/FAX: 03-6868-0810
Email: yamashin92@gmail.com